Saturday, March 21, 2020

They Shot My Gift Horse in the Mouth

The journey to the door of my first apartment was very much that: a journey. I'd packed up way too much stuff in all of the wrong box sizes and freighted my possessions via U Haul three and a half hours westward from Sheridan; my trusty Buma in the passenger seat. Of course we got lost.

A year later in 2003, I moved out of the cozy two bedroom, two bathroom place on Range ave when my roommates and I decided to part ways. I'd moved out with two friends from high school, one of which was pursuing education as an English teacher at Sonoma University. It wasn't explained why we were doing this to ourselves and each other, though I'm sure my 19 year old idiocy played a part in it. After a year of adventures in Santa Rosa with my roommates, we simply moved on.

I found my next roommate, a Costa Rican (called "M") who'd moved to the area from Minnesota, through a coworker. Based on the hindsight and a memory bank rife with unsavory antics this roommate and I got into over the next two years, I really should have been smarter about trusting the judgement of my coworker and passed on his recommendation.

After moving in with M, my coworker (Called "T") spiraled into a raving lunatic before my eyes over the next few months. I've always suspected T's downfall was a result of some chemically synthesized narcotic. You know...the kind that makes you speak quickly, spit while talking, tap your feet while sitting, sweat profusely, and yell "YOU'RE A RAT! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE? A RAT" at the top of your voice into my face on a Thursday morning while we're stocking denim pants before JC Penney opens for business.

Our first apartment had the largest living room known to man. When you're a bachelor young enough to get turned down when you set a six pack of PBR on the counter, interior design isn't such a high priority. I had plenty of room to put all of my kitchy junk, allowing me to fool myself into thinking this was "Home". Miguel hated it, being a minimalist himself. It didn't matter how loud the traffic was outside of my bedroom window, we had free cable.

This gift from some kharmic deity was such a delight to me, Mr. Raised on TV. Moving into an apartment with free cable is like finding a one dollar bill on the ground, shaking it off, then realizing it's actually a hundred dollar bill...every. single. month. We were so happy to have this free portal to entertainment until the day the knock came upon the door.

"Hello! My name is [no way, lady. I did not store away your real name to recall at this moment]. I'm stopping by to tell you about Comcast Cable. Do you have cable?" and I froze. I'm not supposed to have cable. What if she knows there's a feed active into our apartment but she doesn't know it's not being paid for? What do I do?

"Yeah we actually have comcast." escaped my mouth before I realized what I was saying. 'Well...that should be ok. We have it already. Maybe she'll go away now.'

"We have an offer going on right now for premium packages. If you add on HBO, you can get that and Showtime free for three months."

What a sucker, this lady. We have free cable already. They probably won't be able to figure out what's going on and we'll be able to keep the whole thing. Maybe someone else is already paying for this. I signed up for the additional channels and sent [still can't remember. Sorry, ma'am] on her way.

Three months and one day later, M and I were sitting on the couch looking at the television. "Idiot," he mumbled as we clicked off the television. Black and white static dimmed to black and an image of two defeated young men on a couch became clear in the reflection of the glass television screen.
I play back the scenario over in my memory at least once a year. There's always at least one event annually that reminds me that I may be witty but I make terrible, uninformed mistakes. Over the last two weeks, I learned that the bad luck associated with my younger self's free-cable-fumble is hereditary.

Some time in February, I noticed a profile had been added to the Hulu account my parents allow my wife and I to share. I am unaware if Hulu cares about shared accounts, but I know that I care when I see that Cam is trying to make their way into the family plan. I don't know a Cam. No friends or relatives are named Cameron or Cammy or Campbell. I swiftly deleted the profile and went back to watching that week's episode of Law and Order: SVU.

My mother doesn't know any Cam, so I figured I'd solved the problem. I should have advised her to change her password immediately, but thought nothing of it and moved on. A few days passed and, after a full day of work and school one day, I sit down with my wife to enjoy old episodes of Fresh Off The Boat...or at least to try.

"Did you change your password? Can't log into Hulu" I texted my mother. I didn't receive an immediate response, so we sought entertainment through Netflix. The next day, though, I started to feel something very familiar as I read my mom's response.

"Didn't change passowrd. I can't log in. I'll look into it later" wasn't the response I'd hoped for, but I know how many times I forget my password and lock accounts, so I assumed she'd work it though. Ten days later, she'd spent a full day on the phone with support, tried resetting the password, and had no luck.

K and I were and are despondent. In the solitude put upon us through the Covid-19 related mandated quarantine, it's going to be important to maintain a varied source for entertainment AND to comfort ourselves by watching series we'd already invested our time and emotions in. That resource has been tied to a skiff and gently and lovingly been shoved off of the banks of our entertainment shores.

"Unless I open up another account, we're not going to worry about activating this hulu account. There's so much you an find on the Ruku," my mother explained, mispronouncing the popular streaming meta-platform like a true Boomer Captain.

"Why are you doing this to us! You're getting the whole thing free from Apple! Who cares if they're none the wiser?" I clung desperately to the idea that this defeat was not final. My mother worked for Apple as a customer consultant over a decade ago, so the sweetness of this resource and the bitterness of its loss is intense.

This metaphorical skiff now meanders toward the fading horizon, heavy with our dreams of laughing at Officer Jake Scully, Eddie Huang, and Daria Morgendorffer. Resting against the corpse of our access to commercial free (TRULY FREE) Hulu access are koffer's filled with hopes of watching Lieutenant Olivia Benson track down the fiend who left that poor immigrant girl naked and afraid in the abandoned subway tunnels under New York City.

How will we ever survive with only access Amazon Prime, HBO Go, and Netflix?

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Nursery

     Buma, which is the nickname I've had for my mother's mother my entire life, will be cremated when she's finished her adventures are done. In a relatively ideal situation, she'll be the first to go, then my mother, who will also be cremated, then eventually myself. When they squabbled, which wasn't too often considering They both live on the same property, I always threatened to mix them both with cement and create a sculpture of one of them doing something terrible to the other. They scoffed at my version of it, but they didn't object to being used in a sculpture.
   The most delightful aspect of their request is that ultimately, neither of them will have much sway over their final shape. Neither my mother nor grandmother have ever seemed all that bothered by the prospect of death. As far as their concerned, the body goes back and "they" go to heaven. Why should they get upset if their kin want to mold their remains, tempered with sand, powder, and small rocks?
   This last week, I started reading a book of case studies that was recommended to me by a coworker. It seems she wants another weirdo to bounce off her reactions to the ideas in the book. I was warned. This is an easily dismissable subject. The interviews transcribed in the book are hypnosis sessions in which a psychologist's patients access and described the transition between this life and the previous (and further back in the soul's supposed cycle). 
     I appreciate how the book is organized. If any reader was to consume this book with an open mind or even an enthusiastic agreement with the content, the stages the author takes us through are in a necessary order for a layman to properly understand the dynamic of the doctor-patient relationship as well as the increasing layers the doctor reports to gain access to in the book.
     I've made it just over half through and I'm enjoying the read. I have chosen to try to remain neutral in my belief of the theory being tested by the doctor. In fact, the book expresses great evidence to support the reality and believability of nearly every case the doctor explores. I want to believe that, in some form, we continue on and are given a chance to reflect on our mistakes, plan for the necessary improvements, and attempt life again in some other form, until graduation is attained.
     IF I were to adopt the believe the matriarchs of my immediate and extended families, I'd subscribe to the idea that heaven is an experience where you get to remain content forever. I'm quite sure that a large part of my section of heaven would be a beefed up copy of Fair Oaks Boulevard Nursery.
    I finally convinced Eagle Stout to pursue purchasing predator bugs for the garden. I mean ACTUALLY LEAVING THE HOUSE. Together. To run errands. As a team. WE DID IT!
     I mean...when one of your errands is to spend an hour +/- dazed, overwhelmed, filled with joy, and enjoying fresh oxygen produced by a hearty and diverse inventory of plants...hell...I might have to stop writing to go back before they....nope. I just checked. They've closed for the day.
     We got the bugs. THEN I re-researched what to do. I may have just wanted $10 on the ladybugs because they need food to wake up to tomorrow. Some people on forums and such report that they may return or at least beef up the local population. We'll see. We also got mantis eggs, which is so tantalizing! I can't wait to greet 100-200 tiny, hoppy, excited little mantids.
     When I die, please let there be a heaven where there are several hundred species of plants nearby just starting their journey to a garden or yard nearby. A heaven filled with interesting or kitchy pottery and cloth planter bags. I want large rubber black tubs one might grow koi fish in. One might also fill one of these tubs with hot water to have a redneck hot tub (ME).
    I want blooms and pollen all over and bees and insects too. In my heaven, and african violet is more than a cute pot with one flower and several soft leaves...wait, the flower wilted...and now there are brown's dead...IT'S BEEN FIVE MINUTES. African violets will thrive. I'll actually be able to help an orchid THRIVE! And I won't have to learn how to, which is something I should do but there are video games and school and work guys. I have priorities.
     There will be at least one cat. Just like the cat I saw today. 'I'm not friendly, but I'm beautiful.' The cat transmits into your mind with it's movement. 'You wish.' Then the cat is gone, to be found later in the bisected wine barrell, napping. The cat will allow for the insects to thrive. We can all get along fine.